FAQs for Sellers
Reminder - Complete details related to the Sales Process with Kapray Kloset will be sent to you via email after you have submitted the 'Consignment Form'. The email will include details on how to take pictures of your items, how to ship items and how returns are handled.
Please refer to the email for additional information, some general FAQs are highlighted below:
- How do I submit my items for sale?
- Follow the steps outlined in the response you will receive from your submitted 'Consignment Form'.
- How do I know if my items are approved for consignment?
- You will receive an email response within 24-48 hours after your consignment request is submitted via the 'Consignment Form' with details about submitting your items for sale. Once you return the details via email (including images of the items for sale), you will receive a response with details on which items were approved for sale and the approved sales price. If you are agreeable to the terms, the items will be visible on our website within one week.
- How many items can I submit for sale?
- For new sellers on Kapray Kloset, we have a limit of 5 sale items at a time, once you have made successful sales through our website, we will increase your limit to 10 active sale items at a time.
- Your email, address and payment account details will be referenced to validate your account status.
- What happens if my items do not sell?
- Your items will remain active on our website for 60 calendar days from the date the item goes live on the Kapray Kloset website. If your item does not sell in 60 days, you will be contacted on day 61 to reduce the price to a new sale price.
- We will keep your item on our website for an additional 30 calendar days, if the item does not sell at the sale price within the 30 day period, we will remove the listing from the website.
- If you do not wish to reduce the price to a sale price after 60 days, you can elect to have the listing removed.
- How much commission does Kapray Kloset take from the sale of my items?
- Once your item sells, we retain a 15% commission fee to cover our administrative costs.
- How do I contact Kapray Kloset for any questions or changes to my personal information?
- Sellers can contact Kapray Kloset through consign@kapraykloset.com.
- How should my sold items be shipped?
- The buyer will be charged for the shipping of the items, once your item is sold, you will receive an email with details on the buyer and how much they were charged for shipping.
- It is your responsibility to ship the item(s) within 3-5 business days after it is sold, based on how much the buyer paid for shipping, you can decide on which shipping carrier you would like to use (USPS, UPS or Fedex).
- We recommend ensuring the buyer will receive the items within 5 - 7 days from the date it is shipped, if you are running late, you may have to elect for a more expensive shipping carrier to ensure timely delivery to the buyer. Please let us know ASAP if you are running into any delays so we can advise the customer.
- Do I need to provide tracking information for shipped items?
- Yes, it is your responsibility to provide Kapray Kloset with the tracking details so we can advise the customer as soon as the item ships.
- When will I be paid for my sold items?
- You will be paid 15 days after your item has been delivered to ensure there is no negligence or misrepresentation of your sold item.
- What packaging should I use to ship my sold items?
- You are free to decide how you prefer to package your item, we recommend using Tissue Paper (gift wrap tissue) to package the suit nicely and ensure all pieces are packed together (as applicable).
- You can use boxes or envelopes (depending on size) to package your items.
- USPS has free packaging materials for Priority Mail
- You can choose to buy your own packaging from USPS, UPS or Fedex; alternative shipping materials can be found on Amazon.com, Home Depot and other stores.
- Is there a preferred shipping carrier for Kapray Kloset?
- There is no preferred shipping carrier for Kapray Kloset but if you are able to ship timely, pricing at USPS tends to be economical.
- The buyer is responsible to pay for shipping based on their location and number of items purchased.
- If you are running late on shipping the item(s), you may have to pay the additional cost for faster delivery to remain within the delivery timeframe. You are supposed to ship and provide a tracking number within 3-5 days of the item being sold.
- If Kapray Kloset accepts a return due to negligence or misrepresentation on behalf of the customer, you will be responsible for any return shipping.